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ExtAspNet v2.0.9

文章来源:365jz.com     点击数:217    更新时间:2009-09-15 10:05   参与评论

ExtAspNet v2.0.9
ExtAspNet is a set of professional Asp.net controls with native AJAX support and rich UI effect
which aim at No JavaScript, No CSS, No UpdatePanel and No WebServices.

Note: ExtAspNet bases on Open Source Projects like ExtJS, HtmlAgilityPack, Nii.JSON, YUICompressor.

Open Source Project:http://extaspnet.codeplex.com/
Technical Support:http://sanshi.cnblogs.com/
Examples Online:http://extasp.net/ (Not available. Can anyone provide free hosting?)


Release History:

+2009-09-01 v2.0.9
 -Add two static functions ShowInParent and GetShowInParentReference to ExtAspNet.Alert. Now we can show dialog in parent window.
 +You must declare control's collection property explicitly in aspx source code now, which you don't need to do so before.
  -This will affect all of you aspx pages, please take special attention!
  -These properties include Tabs in TabStrip, Items in PanelBase, Nodes in TreeNode etc.
 -Rename AccordionPanel to AccordionPane (It's a name used in Asp.net AJAX).
 +All panels have two default collection properties - Toolbars and Items.
  -Although TabStrip, From, Tree, Accordion inherite the Items property, but it's useless.
  -This will affect all of you aspx pages, please separate the toolbars from the items.
 -Happy birthday to you - xiaoshi meimei.


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