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10 Tools to help you select a Web 2.0 Color Palette

文章来源:365jz.com     点击数:181    更新时间:2009-09-16 11:43   参与评论

April 5, 2007 | Comments (67) | Filed under: Tools

Well, another day and another entry in our Bookmark Bliss series here at Bookmark Bliss. I’ll be the first to admit that when it comes to designing any interface my biggest roadblock has to be deciding on a color scheme. Whether it be a standalone application or a new web layout, I could come up with the best interface design but no one would care if the color scheme is an assault on the senses.

Lucky for me, there are a lot of helpful tools that can turn color coordination nightmares into a dream come true :) If you’re in the same boat as I am, have a look at some of these sites I unearthed from my bookmarks:





Steel Dolphin Color Scheme Tool

DeGraeve.com Color Palette from Image Generator

Color Schemer


Daily Color Scheme


The list is not too long, but really, how many different color resources do you need? My personal favorites are ColourLovers, EasyRGB, and Kuler. I really like the sites that allow people to submit their own color schemes and put together really comprehensive sets that include 5-10 different matching colors. These type of sites make it really easy to quickly choose one you like and incorporate it into your design immediately.

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