<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN""">
<html xmlns="">
引述Mr Hunt的原话,HTML 5 introduces and enhances a wide range of features including form controls, APIs, multimedia, structure, and semantics.
<video poster="poster.jpg">
<source src="video.3gp" type="video/3gpp" media="handheld">
<source src="video.ogv" type="video/ogg; codecs=theora, vorbis">
<source src="video.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<source src="music.oga" type="audio/ogg">
<source src="music.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">
提供了source 元素,让浏览器根据媒体类型或编码器的支持来指定视频或音频文件。当然也可以在其中加入已经很广泛使用的JS控制,比如onclick="video.pause();之类。
我想,有了<Video><audio>标签,各家播放器厂商做的插件应该就没有市场了吧,想想那些乱七八糟的新浪视频差价、ccav视频插件(各种恶心插件,还带毒) 你一定会爱上HTML5的。
最令我振奋的改变,也是他让我爱上HTML5。Document Object Model(DOM)中增加了 HTMLDataGridElement
interface HTMLDataGridElement : HTMLElement {
attribute DataGridDataProvider data;
readonly attribute DataGridSelection selection;
attribute boolean multiple;
attribute boolean disabled;
void updateEverything();
void updateRowsChanged(in RowSpecification row, in unsigned long count);
void updateRowsInserted(in RowSpecification row, in unsigned long count);
void updateRowsRemoved(in RowSpecification row, in unsigned long count);
void updateRowChanged(in RowSpecification row);
void updateColumnChanged(in unsigned long column);
void updateCellChanged(in RowSpecification row, in unsigned long column);
把两个对象的属性糅杂在一个Model里面,真是一件无法忍受的事情,HTML5!YOU MADE IT.
另外,HTML5在input元素的type中增加了datetime, datetime-local, date, month, week, time, number, range, email, url,输入日期就不需要各种JS组件了吧,数字, email和url也不需要再写js去较验正确性了。
最后,我想引述Elliotte Harold 的结束语
HTML 5 is part of the future of the Web. Its new elements enable clearer, simpler markup that makes pages more obvious. Div
and span
still have their places, but those places are much more restricted than they used to be. Many pages will no longer need to use them.
Although not all browsers will support these new elements at first, the same has been true for most elements introduced after HTML was first invented: img
, table
, object
, and many more. Support will come with time. In the meantime, HTML's must-ignore behavior for unrecognized elements means that users with legacy browsers will still be able to read HTML 5 pages. They can do so today. Users with more modern browsers will get an enhanced experience, but no one will be left out.
Eight years is a long time to wait for new features, especially in the fast-moving world of the Web. HTML 5 restores some of the excitement of the early days when Netscape, Microsoft, and others were introducing new elements every other week. At the same time, it takes a much more careful approach to defining these elements so that everyone can use them interoperably. The future looks bright.
想想吧,这个还在孕育的标准,如果我们。。能够参与进去,哇唔,it's a wonderful imagination, and as Mr Harold said ,no one will be left out....
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